Causes of Back Pain in Kids

Back pain is surely a point of concern for adults and very often we have a tendency to neglect it or may be take it as consequence of ageing. Although often it is diagnosed but adults somehow overlook it. Recently it is found that children and adolescents are also in this category of having back pain. Generally, parents don’t expect their fit and healthy children to complain of back pain but it is true. And if you are concerned about your child then without wasting a moment you should see your doctor and start treatment. Here is some information about the causes of back pain in children and you may watch closer at your kid.

Back Pain in Kids
  1. High Obesity: Undoubtedly one of the crucial reasons of back pain in children is obesity. Higher body weights and less of physical activities tend to cause back pain in children.
  2. Warning Signs of Pain: Often parents overlook the early warning which their children show. Certainly there are some serious causes yet vast majority of children suffering from back pain may suffer from ligament injury or any structural abnormalities. Night pain due to which your child often wakes up, frequent fever, or weight loss should be critically taken.
  3. Muscular pain: Injuries of muscle pain, ligament strains are often related with the back pain of children. Majorly muscular back pain would answer to proper rest and alterations in activities.
  4. Infection: Spinal bones and discs infections are often the cause of back pain which is a challenging task to diagnose as no tests can confirm these reasons. A specialist or osteopath would be the best to help you out. Infection treatment usually is done with antibiotics. But if results are not proven, surgery is prescribed.
  5. Congenital Disorder: Often children born with birth disorders like bone extension, muscle enlargement and so on are the easy victims of back pain. These are the cases wherein only physical treatment is not the solution but counseling also.
  6. Tumor: Various lethal bone tumors erupt in the spinal tract. Often they cause tremendous pain, and are often diagnosed without much hassle.

Can we prevent back pain in children?

No doubt that proper treatment in proper time can cure your child’s pain but certain preventive measures help you to keep pain at bay. Reduce the school bag weight of your baby, engaged them in physical activities like some games which would enable them to use all their major body parts simultaneously. Keep a check on their body weight and last but not the least keep them happy and less of stress.

If you are in Melbourne, you can look for an osteopath near you and take your kid for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

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